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KPI6 Digital Consumer Intelligence trasformation

KPI6 is ready to take over the Digital Consumer Intelligence industry

Our platform is on the verge of a bright transformation. In less than one month, we will show you the new digital consumer intelligence tool that will revolutionize the world of online market research.

One thing we learned for sure in the years we’ve spent providing insights to our customers is that the world of data runs really fast and companies’ needs evolve continuously. 

It has been almost a year since we first understood that our focus on audiences was no more enough. KPI6 has always been one step ahead in its ability of understanding people, clusters, influencers. But now, companies need something more. We talked to a lot of customers of ours, we spoke with corporates, agencies and brands and found out a lot of needs we did not answer. Needs that very few players in our industry have understood, and almost no one of them has still figured out how to provide a solution to them.


If you are engaged in your company’s strategic decision-making process, chances are you felt that need, too. We are talking about the necessity to really understand the people you care about. Might they be potential customers, stakeholders, influencers, relevant key nodes in the news & media world, if you are not able to analyze them, you won’t know how to engage them, to communicate your ideas, to spread your message. 

As soon as we began to understand that audiences are the most crucial information there is now in the data world, we started thinking about a platform that could provide these insights but keeping, at the same time, the fast & smart approach to data KPI6 offered in these years.

Our CEO Alberto Nasciuti has been waiting for this moment for a long time. “I have this vision clear as light in my mind” he keeps telling us, “it was just what my clients and partners were asking me so many times. I can’t wait to see it going online. The preliminary projects we’ve been running were so successful, I expect really great results from this new product. I believe it’s the future of the entire data market”.

And the moment to announce the birth of this new product has arrived.


What we will provide from November on is digital consumer intelligence.

This expression means a new way of conceiving audience targeting and analysis. It means the ability of conducting a market research in real time, using reliable and up-to-date data coming from the entire world. An endless stream of knowledge at your fingertips. You will be able not only to run our classic artificial intelligence to find demographics, interests, personality traits, but even to cross tons of data points, like family, education, consumer preferences, and much more.

It means a deeper understanding even on very specific clusters. You’ll be able to intercept the needs of mothers, the preferences of creative professionals, the shops a certain kind of sport lover has visited in the last months, and many others. The only limit here is your creativity – and the people who are relevant to your business.

The new KPI6 will be a unique combination of unsolicited insights coming from online sources (the web, open data and many other) and solicited information that we are able to obtain from vast panels that cover the entire world. Together, these two environments will provide a much clearer, more accurate image of the reality of things – and it’s just what companies are asking now.

All the information you need to understand to build a sound, data-driven strategies will be already in your KPI6 account – you’ll only have to put them to use.


There is more than just this sheer intelligence power. The new KPI6 comes to you with a completely new graphic vest, a better interface and a user experience that has been designed according to the feedback we collected during the last years. Since our platform has always been completely feedback-driven, and we liked that, we wanted to keep this principle relevant in our design process.

You’ll be able to enjoy the functionality on new use-case customizable dashboards, ready to display the information you will leverage. These dashboards will allow you to keep an eye on your relevant topics, while empowering your ability to cross and match different charts, visualizations and trends.

The new app even comes with a mobile version that you’ll be able to use to build your analytics and to check your data everywhere. In the age of mobility, we believe this makes the difference for smart data analysts. 

We also deployed the most recent technologies to improve our app’s performances, so that you will feel like walking on air while extracting complex information. We make extensive use of highly scalable cloud technologies, proprietary data crawlers and multi-GPU stacks for artificial intelligence, via dozens of Neural Network proprietary models.

And these are only a part of what makes up this new jewel of Digital Consumer Intelligence.


You will be able to try the new KPI6 out on January 13th 2020. Before that moment, feel free to contact us any time should you like to ask us for additional information about our improvement. As we saw before, chances are we’ll be able to answer your needs, because we already know them. 

It doesn’t matter whether you work in a B2B or B2C market: it will always be made and changed by people. It’s only by really understanding them that you win the game against your competitors.

And digital consumer intelligence is your partner in this match.