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KPI6 is growing fast.
We are always looking for shining and inspiring people from all over the world to join us on our journey.

Find out more about our new open positions.

While always improving to be your best. Help us keep out egomaniac heroes.

“We believe that the individual brilliant talent in the right place is key to building an unstoppable team”

Never shy away in giving and receiving them. Because you always strive to understand what matter most.

“The only real rule: Everyone has valuable insights to contribute, your opinion is not optional“

You know when you’re in charge of them. You know how to make decisions on your own whatever your role is

“Decisions are not all about responsibilities, but how to always manage risk and seek new ways to continuously innovate. So please, just disrupt!”

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The road to #TalentExperience

This is the reason why we arranged each meaningful company value in a specific path made up of skills, backgrounds and performances towards #TalentExperience, for our team, our company, our customers, the market, and the whole society.

Open positions


Send us a spontaneous application if there are no open positions for you … we are always looking for new talents to be included in our database.

Find out our culture

KPI6 is growing fast.

We are always looking for exceptional people from all over the world to join us on our journey.

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Don’t go away!

If there are currently no positions that match your skills, take a moment to read more about us and fill out the following form to submit a spontaneous application.

We are always looking for people who share our vision of life and work!

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